The loan classification system formulated by a commercial bank shall have the definite corresponding and transformational relations with the loan risk classification method adopted by the people's Bank of china, and be reported to the people's Bank of China for record. 商业银行制定的贷款分类制度应与中国人民银行采用的贷款风险分类法具有明确的对应和转换关系,并报中国人民银行备案。
Then the changes of mortgage relations and the problems on exercising hypothec arising from the changes of the housing mortgage loan obligation relations are analyzed. 分析了住房抵押贷款债权债务关系变动引起的抵押关系变动和抵押权的行使问题。
The first part defines the concept of the international syndicated loan and analyzes the types, legal relations and historical development of the international syndicated loan in detail so as to lay the foundation for the study of international syndicated loan. 第一部分首先界定国际银团贷款的概念,在此基础上详细分析国际银团贷款的种类、法律关系及其历史发展,为进一步研究国际银团贷款奠定基础。
Part Four: From the angel of main body in the student loan system, the paper probe into the relations between the students and the banks, and the functions of government and colleges in the student loan system. 第四部分:分析了国家助学贷款的主体,探讨了银行与学生间的博弈关系,以及政府和学校在国家助学贷款中的作用。
This article explores the cultural characteristics and factors of Chinese and English loan words, analyzing the relations between them and their influences and roles in raising cultural values, enriching cultural contents and promoting cultural exchanges. 本文拟就英汉借词中的文化特征和文化因素作一具体探讨,从中分析英汉语言中相互借用词汇的关系以及这些借词对提升英汉语言文化价值、丰富文化内涵、促进彼此文化交流的影响和作用。
The author argues that the financial model of the Chinese enterprises in the Southeast Asian countries is an indirect one that depends heavily on the loan from commercial banks and human relations. 本文认为东南亚华人企业的融资模式是一种严重依赖于商业银行贷款和存在大量关系型融资的间接融资模式。
By market orientation of interest rate, it means that the deposit and loan rate should be regulated with autonomy by commercial banks in terms of the variation of supply-demand relations on the capital market, with the central bank basic rate just as a guide. 利率市场化是指存贷款利率由各商业银行根据资金市场的供求变化来自主调节,中央银行基准利率仅为引导。
Interest rate is higher when the listed Corporations prefer loans. ( 2) The possibility of listing Corporation commissioned loan is reverse change relations with free cash flow and debt. 利率偏高时上市公司更倾向发放贷款。(2)上市公司委托贷款可能性与自由现金流和负债均成反向变动关系。